Lev Babiev
Lev's sideburns are his power. He was once a paper-pusher for the Acohol, Tobacco, Firearms (ATF) office, and not highly regarded by his boss. But upon his recruitment into HOSERS, his new boss had different ideas....

Aric Campling
He was once a floor nurse in a university-based taching and research hospital. Comapssionate and quiet, pragmatic and kind. HOSERS almost passed over this excellent candidate, but reconsidered at the last moment because of his scientific knowhow and other qualifications. A wise choice for both.

Agent FallenOne
AKA Matthew Stein, he considers himself to be a very important executive functionary in the super-top-secret organization called H.O.S.E.R.S. He only ever goes by his codename, and he never seems to wear anything other than his long, black trenchcoat, from which he can produce any item on demand. You want a map of Florida? He has it. You want a sawed-off shotgun? It's in there. Turkey sandwich? Well, that's not there anymore. Munch munch munch....

Jason Peck
AKA Pug, AKA Agent Latex (We are what we provide, chief). He is the HOSERS' Chief Supplies Officer and the team's tactician. His approach to special operations more closely approximates the team's ideals (BLOW SHIT UP!), plus he's the one with the big gunz. Beware the Pug!

Robert is the president of H.O.S.E.R.S. He dresses professionally, has a disarmingly friendly disposition, and makes you feel like you must purchase a used car. Bob's just that kinda guy. Gotta love him. Despite his important position, even Bob has no clue what H.O.S.E.R.S. stands for,

Lev's new pet kitten was taken from the (infamous) sack. Vinegar isn't evil, he's just playful.... Now stop munching on that man's kidney. Bad kitty!

Nuke the Midget
Nuke the Midget is the hot-tempered little man, born and raised in Scotland, who will take any measure necessary to prevent the Rainforests of the Scottish Highland from being deforested and destroyed. Even as he mourns the loss of Jill (his ex-pet hamster), he now has a few sex-crazed, war-trained monkeys in his bed -- err, control.

© 1999-present by Aric S. Campling and Lev Babiev. Produced by The KillerFrog Group Productions; all rights reserved. Use of all materials on this page and this site subject to US and international copyright law. If you wish to use any of these materials, please see this page or e-mail Aric.

In addition, express permission is given by the author for anyone to draw horns and mustaches on any characters in this strip. Thank you.