Hello HOSERS readers,
Here is a new comic. No more promises. Enjoy. :)
Here is a new comic. No more promises. Enjoy. :)
Hello HOSERS readers,
I know it's been damn near forever since we've updated, and it may be a while before we update again. But hey, here's to the future!
Enjoy the comic, and thanks for reading.
I know it's been damn near forever since we've updated, and it may be a while before we update again. But hey, here's to the future!
Enjoy the comic, and thanks for reading.
Hello readers (those we have left).
Suffice it to say, it's been a while. I was looking over the archives, and HOSERS production has been in a fairly steady decline, with only two comics out in 2007 (it will be three, but even so). I love working on the comic, but frankly a lot of the issue is finding time. Not to mention, so many other things going on.
I am going to try to find more time for HOSERS in 2008. It's not really a resolution, per-se, since I can't PROMISE I will, but I want to. I also have two other comics projects I Want to get cracking on in 2008. So for me, 2008 will be the year of the comics. Assuming I find enough free time... between my new job, which has a serious commuting issue (one hour each way, roughly); my part-time teaching job, which starts up in January and goes through April; and my somewhat difficult to overcome weekend apathy, I have some challenges to face -- but hopefully, I'll master them.
But there's a big reason why I want 2008 to be a good year for HOSERS. Even though the first comic was published on March 22, 1999, HOSERS was conceived in 1998 -- meaning the concept itself will turn 10 years old next year. Part of me is excited that I stuck with a project for so long, but then I look at my productivity for 2007 and 2006, and I wonder if I truly did stick with it. So I'm going to give it a kick in the ass!
Lev and I always wanted HOSERS to be just for fun, and never a chore or work. And for me, the artwork is cathartic. Like therapy. Fun, and challenging. And I feel like I've been letting my artistic endeavors, all of them, slowly slip away since leaving college -- a time when I was a pretty artsy person. Theater, music, comics... not so much since then. The comic really has been the one thing I've stuck with, even if failingly as of late.
And I miss it. I miss working on my artwork. Once upon a time I Told myself I would take some time every week and work on artwork, and that the doodles I make in my notepads at work during meetings wouldn't count. In 2008, that is a resolution I make -- even if it's not always HOSERS, I will do SOMETHING every week, that I can be satisfied and proud for having done. Even if it's just concept work for another project, or some random doodle for my DeviantArt account.
Wish me luck. This will be harder, I think, than losing weight.
Suffice it to say, it's been a while. I was looking over the archives, and HOSERS production has been in a fairly steady decline, with only two comics out in 2007 (it will be three, but even so). I love working on the comic, but frankly a lot of the issue is finding time. Not to mention, so many other things going on.
I am going to try to find more time for HOSERS in 2008. It's not really a resolution, per-se, since I can't PROMISE I will, but I want to. I also have two other comics projects I Want to get cracking on in 2008. So for me, 2008 will be the year of the comics. Assuming I find enough free time... between my new job, which has a serious commuting issue (one hour each way, roughly); my part-time teaching job, which starts up in January and goes through April; and my somewhat difficult to overcome weekend apathy, I have some challenges to face -- but hopefully, I'll master them.
But there's a big reason why I want 2008 to be a good year for HOSERS. Even though the first comic was published on March 22, 1999, HOSERS was conceived in 1998 -- meaning the concept itself will turn 10 years old next year. Part of me is excited that I stuck with a project for so long, but then I look at my productivity for 2007 and 2006, and I wonder if I truly did stick with it. So I'm going to give it a kick in the ass!
Lev and I always wanted HOSERS to be just for fun, and never a chore or work. And for me, the artwork is cathartic. Like therapy. Fun, and challenging. And I feel like I've been letting my artistic endeavors, all of them, slowly slip away since leaving college -- a time when I was a pretty artsy person. Theater, music, comics... not so much since then. The comic really has been the one thing I've stuck with, even if failingly as of late.
And I miss it. I miss working on my artwork. Once upon a time I Told myself I would take some time every week and work on artwork, and that the doodles I make in my notepads at work during meetings wouldn't count. In 2008, that is a resolution I make -- even if it's not always HOSERS, I will do SOMETHING every week, that I can be satisfied and proud for having done. Even if it's just concept work for another project, or some random doodle for my DeviantArt account.
Wish me luck. This will be harder, I think, than losing weight.
It appears that due to disuse, general apathy and budget cuts, the decrepit
shed that served as our store has finally collapsed. Fear not our faithful
fans - with help of some duct tape, spare widgets and illegal transplants we
have put it back in service. So, rejoyce ye adoring masses. You can once again
satisfy your bouts of consumerism.
The object of your adoration,
The object of your adoration,
© 1999-present by Aric S. Campling and Lev Babiev. Produced by The KillerFrog Group Productions; all rights reserved. Use of all materials on this page and this site subject to US and international copyright law. If you wish to use any of these materials, please see this page or e-mail Aric.
In addition, express permission is given by the author for anyone to draw horns and mustaches on any characters in this strip. Thank you.